FAQ's & Requirements

Answers to many of the regular questions we are asked when showing our properties are listed below.  If you have others, please ask when you arrive for the showing so we can update this list!


How much income do I need?
We ask that your monthly income exceeds at least 2.5 times the rental amount. For example:  If you are looking to rent a unit for $950/mo., you should earn at least $2,375 in household income per month.


Is there an application fee?
Yes.  We charge a non-refundable fee of $40 per adult.  It may be paid by credit/debit card, check, money order or cash and must be received before your application can be processed.


Where can I find an application?
Our online applications can be found at www.ccpmde.com. Since the screening process is automated, we do not offer a paper option.


What documents do I need to submit with my application?
We'll need a copy of your Driver's license (or State ID) and one month's worth of pay stubs. If you are self-employed or work on straight commission, a letter from your employer detailing your monthly earnings will do.  For those with a voucher, please provide us with the packet you received from your caseworker along with your completed application and screening fee.


What rental screening(s) do you complete?
We receive information on your employment history, rental history, credit report, and criminal record.


Do you accept pets? What are the costs involved? 
You can use our screening tool to provide all the needed info about your pet. Go to https://ccpmde.petscreening.com to answer the questions and upload your documents. You can even take this with you to show another rental office or your next landlord. Pet deposits generally begin at $250 and go upward if your pet is aggressive or is missing the required documentation.

How long does the process take?
Most application decisions can be made 
within 5 business days so long as they are complete, all documents are received and the fee is paid.  Delays can also occur if our verification calls to your current employer or landlord are not returned within a reasonable time.

What programs do you work with?
We are familiar with most federal or municipal housing programs from DHAP, DHSA, SRAP, WHA, and many others from community 
groups, churches, and local charitable organizations. Let us know if you have a voucher or receive other assistance as not all of our properties participate in all programs.

What is the security deposit amount required?
Security deposits are based on your credit history and can range from one to two month's rent.  Pet deposits are normally charged as a one-time fee of $350-$500 before moving in.

Does everyone have to complete an application and pay the application fee?
Yes. Screenings are based on your individual personal history, credit and criminal records, and your application fee is used to cover the cost of those expenses.  If you are applying with a family member or friend, each of you should complete a separate application, supply your documents and fee, then let us know so we can tie your applications together during the review process.

How do I pay my rent? 
We'd prefer that you log into your account and pay with a bank transfer (EFT), although you can also use a debit card or credit card. You can also mail us a check or money order but please be aware that a $5.00 fee will apply to any payment sent through the mail. 

The following service fees are effective as of Jan 1, 2020:

  • EFT eCheck One–Time or Autopay: $1.00
  • Debit or Credit Card: 3% of the Payment Amount, plus $1.00
  • Check, Money order or other paper-based payments: $5.00 each
  • Payments made over the Phone: $9.95

Please contact us if you have any other questions!

Rental Application

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